Visit the link to learn more details about the product! | This section automatically updates to the latest version of the product.
Play MASCOZ right away by clicking the "Play" button once it is activated! |
The MASCOZ launcher automatically updates, but it can be repaired to the latest version if needed! | See information about the version of the launcher! |
MASCOZ provides two kinds of services: Manage Avatar and Avatar Live.
Create Avatars, and change costumes, accessories, and more whenever you want!
Use pre-made Avatars to start streaming! Check out all of the features optimized for VTubers!
Oh, no! All slots are empty. If you want to be a VTuber, you will need an Avatar first. Let's create an Avatar.
First, choose what type of Avatar you want to create.
If you've chosen the type, then try on the costumes you want in each category and hit "Save".
You can easily create your very own Avatar in just five minutes!
Now, let's get ready to stream!
Some things need to be set to enable tracking. Don't worry. If you follow the steps below, you'll be done in no time!
[What You Need]
An iPhone (required) and Leap Motion (optional) for hand tracking
Face Tracking
(Required) | (1) Download "Unity Face Capture" on your iPhone.
(2) Follow the instructions and input information in the app. Follow the arrow to find information about the connected PC easily.
(3) If you cannot connect, press the #2 Port button and change the numbers manually.
(4) Press the #3 button to attempt connecting with the iPhone. If the iPhone is connected, a message will notify you that the connection is ready.
(5) The [Next] button will activate once face tracking is ready. Start streaming right away by pressing the [Next] button if you want. |
Hand Tracking
(Optional) | If you also want to enable hand tracking, press the #5 button and complete the following steps.
(1) You be able to see a list in #6 if Leap Motion is connected to the PC MASCOZ is running on right now.
* Make sure to install the Leap Motion driver you received to connect correctly.
(2) Devices may need to be set in different locations depending on the Leap Motion version. Check the instructions and set the devices in the correct locations. |
Once all devices have been connected, move your body and hands to check if they're being tracked well.
If the Avatar is in a strange position, press the [#4 Reset Tracking button] or the [space bar] to reset tracking!
1. Install OBS
2. Add Sources in OBS
(1) Open OBS while MASCOZ is running.
(2) Select "Window Capture" in Sources and choose "MASCOZ.EXE" in Window. Select "Window 10 (1903 and up)" for Capture Method.
(3) (Recommended for multiple screens) Select "Display Capture" in Sources and choose the screen MASCOZ is on.
Add MASCOZ to Sources by following one of the two options. The preview screen will be like the following if the steps have been completed correctly.
3. Crop the Screen to Stream
This step is to crop out the Settings window from the screen that will be streamed.
(1) While pressing the Alt key, drag the mouse and crop the screen to the size you want.
(2) Zoom, shrink, or move the cropped screen by dragging the edges.
(3) If the screen doesn't change, see if the Window Capture in Sources is locked. If it is locked, unlock it.
4. Chroma Key Screen
Chroma keying is recommended for users who want to start a virtual stream while showing a specific screen or playing a game.
(1) Select the "Chroma Key" tab within MASCOZ's settings and select an apt background color.
(2) Select "Filters" in the OBS' Sources.
(3) Press the "+" button on the lower left and select "Chroma Key".
(4) Select the color identical to the one chosen in MASCOZ in Key Color Type and adjust the numbers below.
1. Advanced OBS Settings
Here is how to set OBS to be optimized for games that use a lot of GPU. The instructions below will help you create the perfect environment to stream in.
(1) OBS Settings - Output - Select the "Advanced" tab in Output Mode.
(2) Change the encoder settings within the Advanced tab as below.
Rate Control: CBR
Bitrate: 5,000 kbps
Keyframe Interval: 2s
CPU Usage Preset: Veryfast
Profile: Main
Plain Text
(3) Go to OBS Settings - Video - Set "Common FPS Values" to 30 or 60.