
Terms of Paid Service - New - NEW

Paid Service Terms and Conditions - Latest
Effective Date: 2024/ 11/ 27

Terms of Use for Paid Services

Article 1. Purpose

These Terms of Use set forth the conditions and procedures for using various paid services provided through the Mascoz website (https://www.mascoz.com/) operated by Over the Hand Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") via internet and mobile applications.

Article 2. Effect and Amendment of Terms

The contents of these Terms shall take effect on the applicable date when posted on the website and service screens or notified to users through email or other methods, and users agree to them.
The Company may amend these Terms within the scope that does not violate relevant laws including the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce (hereinafter "E-Commerce Act"), Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "Terms Regulation Act"), Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter "Information Network Act"), and Content Industry Promotion Act (hereinafter "Content Industry Act").
Matters not specified in these Terms shall be governed by the Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act, Information Network Act, and other relevant laws and regulations.
When the Terms are amended, the Company shall specify the effective date and reasons for amendment, and post them along with the current Terms on the website's main page at least 7 days prior to the effective date (30 days for changes disadvantageous to users or significant matters) and for a reasonable period after the effective date. The Company shall send the amended Terms, effective date, and reasons for amendment (including explanation of important changes) to users' most recent email address or text message.
Users have the right to disagree with all or part of the amended Terms. Users who object to the changes may terminate the service agreement through membership withdrawal. However, termination of the agreement means users cannot use services provided after login.
If users do not express their intention to refuse the application of the amended Terms within 10 days (30 days for changes disadvantageous to users or significant matters) from the effective date, they shall be deemed to have agreed to the amendment.

Article 3. Other Standards

Matters not specified in these Terms shall be governed by the Terms of Use, Individual Terms of Use, Company policies, and relevant laws and regulations.

Article 4. Definition of Terms

The terms used in these Terms are defined as follows:
a) Paid Services: Goods or services that can be used after purchase through payment methods provided by the Company, with specific types and contents guided on each purchase page.
b) Auto Payment: Services that can be used through automatic fee payment with payment information such as payment methods entered by users.
c) Withdrawal of Subscription: Act of withdrawing purchase intention for unused goods or services after payment by users.
d) Purchase: Act of paying for paid services provided by the Company.
e) Refund: Receiving cash back for paid services paid to the Company or receiving cash back for products through cancellation of product purchase.
f) Value Coz: Virtual data used for service use or purchase, which members purchase by paying a fee.
g) Interaction Point: Virtual data used for interactive play within the service.
h) Cyber Point: Virtual data used for service use or purchase, which has no property value and is freely provided by the Company for efficient service use.
Interaction Point and Free Coz are classified as Cyber Points.
i) Charging: Act of members purchasing Value Coz by paying fees to the Company.
Terms not defined in Paragraph 1 shall be governed by relevant laws and general commercial practices.
[Subsequent articles continue in the same manner, maintaining legal terminology and structure while translating the content accurately.]

Article 5. Posting of Paid Service Details

The Company shall clearly display the following information on the paid service guide or purchase screen: a) Name, type, and content of paid services b) Price of paid services and their payment methods and timing c) Method, timing, and period of service provision d) Terms, methods, and effects of subscription withdrawal and contract termination e) For continuous transaction contracts, terms and methods of contract termination and their effects f) Conditions and procedures for service exchange, return, warranty, and refund g) Technical requirements for transmission and installation of electronically supplied services h) User compensation, complaint handling, and dispute resolution procedures between users and the Company i) Terms and conditions of transactions j) Any additional costs beyond the service price that users must bear, including their content and amount k) Notice that if the user is a minor, either the minor or their legal representative may cancel the contract if consent from the legal representative was not obtained
Paid services provided by the Company shall be credited to the user's ID immediately upon purchase and can be used according to the service provision period.
The Company provides services to verify the latest download requirements and PC specifications necessary for service use.

Article 6. Formation of Service Contract

The service contract shall be formed when the user agrees to these Terms and purchases paid services through payment methods and means designated by the Company.

Article 7. Purchase of Paid Services

Purchase of paid services requires a Mascoz account with the Company.
Paid services may be purchased through payment methods provided by the Company, such as mobile phone payments and credit cards. However, where payment methods are operated by separate service providers, users must complete the procedures specified by such payment service providers before using the payment method. Agreement to such procedures and terms of use shall be deemed given when paying for the Company's service fees.

Article 8. Payment Approval

The Company may refuse approval or subsequently cancel approval for service applications in the following cases: a) When service fees are not paid or the payer cannot be verified b) When a minor under 19 years of age applies without consent from their legal representative c) When approval is deemed impossible due to reasons attributable to the applicant d) When approving the application would violate relevant laws, public order and morals, or the Company's terms and business policies
The Company may restrict approval until approval limitation causes are resolved in the following cases: a) When service facilities are insufficient to provide satisfactory service b) When service disruptions occur

Article 9. Usage Period

Paid services must be used within 5 years from the last date of use. Unused paid services shall automatically expire after 5 years from the Company's final service usage date, based on commercial prescription. However, if other laws stipulate a shorter prescription period, such provisions shall apply.

Article 10. Cyber Points

The Company may provide Interaction Points and Free Coz as Cyber Points based on member usage, and unused Cyber Points may expire within the validity period set by the Company.
In case of errors in Cyber Point accumulation, members may request corrections within a reasonable period, and the Company may make corrections to Cyber Points after verification and notification of results.
The Company may adjust, retrieve, or terminate part or all of Cyber Points for efficient service use, operation, and business/technical needs. Cyber Points may expire periodically according to pre-determined periods. In such cases, the Company shall provide notice at least 1 month in advance, and previously accumulated Cyber Points unused by the notified date shall expire.
The usage period for Free Coz is 2 months. However, this may vary if a different usage period is specified at the time of Free Coz provision.

Article 11. Test Purpose Services

The Company may provide services for testing purposes to members for a specified period.
For test purpose services, data modification, addition, and deletion may be implemented to ensure service stability, and all data related to the test purpose service, including Cyber Points and avatars acquired by members during the test period, may be reset.

Article 12. Payment by Minors

If a user is a minor (under 19 years of age), consent from a parent or legal representative must be obtained before making payment for paid services. Paid services cannot be used without obtaining consent from the legal representative according to procedures established by the Company. If a minor deceives the Company into believing they are an adult by misappropriating another adult's information for membership registration or payment, the paid service usage contract cannot be canceled even without the legal representative's consent.
For consent regarding minor payments as specified in the preceding paragraph, legal representatives may use mobile phone verification, i-PIN verification, or fax verification methods as guided by the Company. After the legal representative's consent is completed, the Company shall notify the legal representative via email regarding the payment consent and its details. Legal representatives may refuse such notifications and may also inquire about detailed information through the following Customer Service Center:
Customer Service Center:
Customer Center (1:1 Inquiry: https://report.mascoz.net/)
The legal representative of a minor may choose consent validity periods of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years as guided by the Company. The Company shall notify the legal representative via email 30 days before the expiration of the chosen consent validity period to confirm consent extension. If there is no request for withdrawal of consent from the legal representative, the consent validity period shall be automatically extended under the same conditions.

Article 13. Filing Objections

Users may file objections regarding paid service purchases and payments through the Customer Service Center.
The Company shall investigate the validity of such objections within 10 days of receipt and notify the user of the results.
If the results cannot be notified within the period specified in the preceding paragraph due to unavoidable circumstances, the Company shall notify the user of the reason and newly designated processing deadline.

Article 14. Subscription Withdrawal for Paid Services

Members who have entered into a contract with the Company regarding paid services may withdraw their subscription within 7 days from the later of either the purchase contract date or the date the paid game service becomes available, without any fees or penalties.
Withdrawal of subscription for paid services purchased by users is possible in accordance with relevant laws. However, this shall be restricted in the following cases: a) When the user has used the paid service or its value has significantly decreased due to partial consumption b) When the paid service has been lost or damaged due to reasons attributable to the user c) When the validity period of the paid service has expired d) When the provision of service or content has commenced (for divisible services or content, withdrawal is possible for portions not yet provided) e) When the Company has notified in advance and received (electronic) documented consent from the user that withdrawal would cause irrecoverable significant damage to the Company
Users must exercise their right of withdrawal within 7 days from the purchase date for eligible services. However, if the user has not received written contract details, has received documentation without the Company's address, or cannot withdraw within 7 days due to the Company's address change, they may withdraw from the contract within 7 days from the date they became aware or could have become aware of such information.
Users may withdraw from the contract within 3 months from the date of service provision, or within 30 days from the date they became aware or could have become aware of the fact, if the service content differs from advertised content or contract terms.
Users may withdraw either verbally or in writing (including electronic documents). When made in writing, the withdrawal takes effect on the date the written notice is dispatched.
The Company provides the following additional methods for withdrawal beyond those used at contract formation:
Customer Center (1:1 Inquiry: https://report.mascoz.net/)
The Company bears the burden of proof regarding disputes over user responsibility for service damage, contract formation facts and timing, and service provision facts and timing.
Upon withdrawal, the Company shall refund payment within 3 business days of receiving the returned service (or receiving the withdrawal notice if no service return is required), using the same payment method. If refund through the same method is impossible, the Company shall notify users in advance. For delayed refunds, the Company shall pay delay interest at an annual rate of 15%.
The Company cannot claim penalties or damages for withdrawal. However, for partially used services, the Company may claim amounts within the scope of benefits received by the user or costs incurred in service provision.
Matters not specified herein shall be governed by the E-Commerce Act and other relevant laws.

Article 15. Contract Termination and Cancellation

The Company or users may terminate or cancel paid service contracts in any of the following cases: a) When termination/cancellation causes agreed upon between the user and Company occur b) When termination/cancellation causes specified by law occur
In cases where the Company fails to provide services or provides incomplete services, users must provide reasonable notice demanding complete service provision before terminating or canceling the contract. However, users may terminate or cancel without such notice in any of the following cases: a) When the Company fails to provide services within a specific period necessary for achieving the contract's purpose b) When the Company explicitly indicates in advance that it will not provide the services c) When complete service provision is impossible (limited to cases where the purpose of service purchase cannot be achieved) d) When the service contract constitutes a continuous transaction as specified by law or agreed by the parties e) Other cases as specified by law or agreed by the parties
The Company must provide reasonable notice demanding performance of obligations before terminating or canceling the service contract when users fail to fulfill their obligations (such as non-payment of service fees). However, the Company may terminate or cancel without notice in the following cases: a) When the user explicitly refuses to perform their obligations b) Other cases as specified by law

Article 16. Effects of Contract Termination and Cancellation

Upon contract cancellation by either the Company or user, the user must return the service to the Company. However, if the user has used the service, they must return any benefits gained from such use. The Company must return payments received plus interest from the date of receipt, and either party may claim damages separately from exercising cancellation rights. However, to be exempt from liability for damages, the opposing party must prove absence of intention or negligence.
When either the Company or user terminates the service contract, such contract shall lose effect from the point of termination, and either party may claim damages separately from exercising termination rights. However, to be exempt from liability for damages, the opposing party must prove absence of intention or negligence. When users terminate a service contract that constitutes a continuous transaction, the Company's claimable damages (penalties) shall be calculated according to the following:
a) The Company shall not claim penalties that significantly exceed losses arising from termination, nor unfairly refuse to return payments received in excess of actual service value, regardless of whether such payments are labeled as membership fees or otherwise
b) Upon contract termination, users may return returnable services to the Company, and the Company shall either add the value of returned services to refundable amounts or deduct it from claimable penalties
c) If payments received from users (including refundable amounts for returned services) exceed the sum of provided service costs and penalties, the Company must refund the difference to users
d) If the Company delays refunding the difference, it must add delay compensation for the period of delay
e) In disputes regarding user responsibility for contract termination or payment refunds, contract formation facts and timing, or service provision facts and timing, the burden of proof lies with the Company

Article 17. Prohibition of Transfer

The user's rights under these Terms may not be transferred or donated, nor used as the object of a pledge right.

Article 18. Refunds

In cases where members request refunds due to termination of paid service usage contracts, withdrawal of subscription, or other reasons, they may receive refunds of the following amounts.
When members request refunds for paid services and remaining cash balance charged through their ID, they shall receive refunds within 3 business days through the same payment method used for the original payment, following legitimate procedures. If refund through the same method is impossible, this shall be notified in advance.
When requesting refunds due to termination of paid service usage contracts, withdrawal of subscription, or other reasons, members may receive the following refund amounts. However, for subscription withdrawals under Article 14, refund fees shall not be deducted:
a) For gift certificates (securities), a 10% refund fee shall be deducted to prevent fraudulent payments and cash exchange
b) For streaming content, refunds shall be calculated as follows: "Total usage fee - (Total usage fee / Contract period Γ— Days used)"
c) For Value Coz, the refund amount shall be the remaining balance minus the refund fee (10% of balance or 1,000 KRW, whichever is greater)
d) Refunds for paid services purchased with Value Coz shall be paid in Value Coz
e) For fixed-rate products (products usable for a certain period), the refund amount shall be the product value minus usage fees (daily rate Γ— days used) and refund fee (10% of product value or 1,000 KRW, whichever is greater)
f) For early termination of period-based paid services operated by the Company, the Company shall refund the amount excluding pro-rated usage fees and termination fee (10% of product value or 1,000 KRW, whichever is greater) according to the payment system terms
g) Refunds may also be possible according to other policies separately announced by the Company
Users cannot receive refunds in the following cases: a) When the unused paid service value is 1,000 KRW or less b) When the user has withdrawn from the Company's services c) When the paid service was provided free of charge by the Company or received as a gift from others

Article 19. Return of Fees

In case of overpayment, the Company shall refund the full amount through the same payment method used for the original payment. If refund through the same method is impossible, this shall be notified in advance, and refund shall be made through a method chosen by the user.
If a user entitled to a fee return has unpaid fees, the Company may first apply the returnable amount to such unpaid fees before making the return.
When the usage contract is terminated, payment approval shall be canceled or remaining prepaid fees shall be returned to the user according to procedures specified in the usage guide and Article 8, Paragraph 3.
When returning remaining amounts, the Company shall refund overpayments within 3 business days from the date the return obligation is confirmed. However, when the return obligation arises due to reasons attributable to the user, the Company may deduct costs incurred from payment, such as payment fees.
Fees related to deletions under Article 14, Paragraph 8 and Article 21 shall not be returned.

Article 20. User Compensation for Service Defects

If paid services purchased by users are damaged, corrupted, or deleted due to significant defects in the Company's own services, users may receive compensation through appropriate means.
In cases where the Company has not provided prior notice of service suspension or disruption, user remedies shall be as follows. However, service suspension or disruption time due to reasons attributable to the user shall not be included: a) If cumulative service suspension/disruption time exceeds 72 hours within one month: Contract termination or cancellation, refund of usage fees for unused period including remaining period, and compensation for damages (however, the Company shall not be liable for damages if it proves absence of intention or negligence) b) For service suspension or disruption due to reasons attributable to the Company: Free extension of service period for triple the suspension/disruption time c) For service suspension or disruption due to force majeure or illegal acts by third parties: Contract cannot be terminated, but service period shall be extended free of charge for the duration of suspension/disruption

Article 21. Limitation of Liability

The Company shall be exempt from responsibility for providing paid services in cases of force majeure, including natural disasters or equivalent circumstances.
The Company shall not be liable for service disruptions caused by user's fault unless there is intention or gross negligence by the Company.
The Company shall not be liable for the reliability, accuracy, or content of information, data, or facts posted by users in relation to paid services unless there is intention or gross negligence by the Company.
The Company shall not be liable for disputes arising between users or between users and third parties through paid services unless there is intention or gross negligence by the Company.
The Company shall not be liable for lost profits expected by users through the use of paid services unless there is intention or gross negligence by the Company.

Article 22. Jurisdiction

Any disagreements or disputes between the Company and users regarding service use shall be resolved amicably through mutual agreement between the parties.
If not resolved by the preceding paragraph, jurisdiction for litigation shall be determined according to the Civil Procedure Act.
The interpretation and application of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.